Enhancement of expression of vascular endothelial growth factor after adeno-associated virus gene transfer is associated with improvement of brain ischemia injury in the gerbil.
Angiogenesis induced by growth factors may represent a rational therapy for patients with stroke. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) plays a pivotal role in angiogenesis and VEGF expression is enhanced in the post-ischemic brain. VEGF induced by brain hypoxia can lead to the growth of new vessels and may represent a natural protective mechanism improving survival after stroke. In the light of these findings we investigated changes of VEGF expression in different brain regions after intracerebroventricular injection of adeno-associated virus transferring gene for VEGF (rAAV-VEGF) in the gerbil, and after transient brain ischemic injury, we studied the effects of rAAV-VEGF injection on survival, brain edema, delayed neuronal death in the CA1 area and learning ability. Treatment with rAAV-VEGF 6 days or 12 days before ischemia significantly improves survival, brain edema and CA1 delayed neuronal death and post-ischemic learning evaluated by passive avoidance test. Animals treated with rAAV-VEGF showed in the thalamus and the cortex, a significant positive immunostaining for VEGF similar to those subjected to brain ischemia and not treated with rAAV-VEGF. These data represent a further contribution to a possible employment of gene therapy by using rAAV-VEGF in brain ischemia and indicate that thalamus and cortex may be targets for neuroprotective effects of VEGF.