Titolo della ricerca
Professori Associati
Ruolo di ricerca
Docenti di ruolo di IIa fascia
Area accademica
AREA MIN. 02 - Scienze fisiche
Gruppo accademico
Settore FIS/03 - Fisica della Materia
Francesco Scazza, born in Gallarate (Italy) on 20 June 1985.
Current position (since 05/2021):
Associate professor, Dipartimento di Fisica, Università degli Studi di Trieste, Italy
ORCID iD: https://orcid.org/0000-0001- 5527-1068
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.it/citations?user=OVzx0UcAAAAJ
Quantum simulation, Quantum many-body physics with ultracold atomic gases, Quantum transport and nonequilibrium dynamics, Strongly correlated systems, Impurities and quasiparticles, Experimental atomic physics and optics, Quantum information processing.
11/2019 – 04/2021: Permanent researcher – “Ricercatore di III Livello” at CNR-INO c/o LENS, Sesto Fiorentino, Italy. Strongly correlated Fermi gases in highly resolved optical potentials, mesoscopic quantum transport.
10/2019 – 11/2019: Visiting scientist in the group of Prof. Jeff Thompson at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University, USA. Quantum information with ytterbium atoms in optical tweezer arrays.
08/2016 – 11/2019: Researcher – “Primo Ricercatore a tempo determinato” at CNR-INO, Sesto Fiorentino, Italy. Marie Sklodowska-Curie individual fellowship SCOUTFermi2D – “Strongly correlated ultracold fermions in two-dimensional tailored optical potentials: pairing, superfluidity and disorder'' (H2020-MSCA-IF-2015, Grant Agreement n. 705269). 08/2015 – 08/2016: Postdoc fellow – “Assegnista di ricerca” at CNR-INO, Sesto Fiorentino, Italy. Experimental activity on the dynamics of strongly interacting Fermi gases in the ultracold lithium laboratory led by Dr. Giacomo Roati at LENS.
03/2015 – 07/2015: Research assistant at the Department of Physics, LMU München, Germany. Research and supervision activity in the ultracold ytterbium laboratory led by Dr. Simon Fölling in the group of Prof. Immanuel Bloch.
03/2010 – 02/2015: PhD fellow at the Department of Physics, LMU München and MPQ, Garching, Germany. Research activity in the ultracold ytterbium laboratory led by Dr. Simon Fölling in the group of Prof. Immanuel Bloch.
02/2009 – 08/2009: Research intern in the group of Prof. Claude Fabre at Laboratoire Kastler-Brossel, Paris, France. Generation of multi-mode non-classical quantum states of light in the spatial domain, work under the supervision of Prof. Nicolas Treps.
2010 – 2015: PhD in Physics at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany. Final grade: Summa cum laude. Thesis title: Probing orbital SU(N)-symmetric interactions with ytterbium Fermi gases in optical lattices. Advisor: Prof. Immanuel Bloch. Referees: Prof. Wilhelm Zwerger, Prof. Harald Weinfurter, Prof. Wolfgang Zinth.
2007 – 2009: Master degree in Physics (curriculum in Condensed Matter Physics) at Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy. Final grade: 110/110 cum laude. Thesis title: Generation of multi-mode non-classical quantum states of light in the spatial domain. Advisors: Prof. Nicolas Treps, Prof. Matteo Paris.
Co-author of 25 scientific publications (22 published in international journals, 3 published in conference proceedings), including 1 Nature, 1 Science, 2 Nature Physics, 7 Physical Review Letters, 2 Physical Review X and 3 Advanced Quantum Technologies. Among these 14 high-impact papers, 11 were published without my PhD supervisor, 3 as first author, 6 as corresponding author, 1 as last author.
h-index: 18 (Google Scholar).
Total citation count: 1667 (Google Scholar).
Average citations per peer-reviewed item: 74 (Google Scholar).
Major scientific achievements:
• First observation of sound-mediated vortex energy dissipation in a superfluid [Nature 2021];
• First observation of the current-phase and current-voltage relations in a tunnel junction between strongly correlated Fermi superfluids [Science 2020, PRL 2021];
• First observation of the ferromagnetic instability in an ultracold atomic Fermi gas [Nature Phys. 2017, PRL 2018, PRA 2020], in collaboration with Prof. Wolfgang Ketterle, Nobel Laureate in Physics 2001;
• First observation of vortex-induced dissipative currents in fermionic superfluids [PRL2018, PRL2020];
• First observation of repulsive polaron quasiparticles in a homonuclear Fermi mixture [PRL2017];
• First direct observation of a fermionic SU(N) Mott insulating phase [PRX 2016];
• First observation of an orbital Feshbach resonance in ytterbium Fermi gases [PRL2015];
• Full construction of a new ultracold ytterbium apparatus, allowing the first clock-state manipulation in optical lattices with 2E atoms [Nature Phys. 2014].
09/2022 – Present: Lecturer (appointed) for the course “Atomi, Molecole e Fotoni” in the “Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Fisica” of the University of Trieste, Italy – Academic Year 2022/23 (48 hours)
11/2022 – Lecturer (invited) at 1st CAPS School on Ultracold Atoms at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain: Ultracold atomic Fermi gases in the strongly correlated regime (3 hours)
03/2022 – 09/2022: Lecturer (appointed) for the course “Fisica Generale 1” in the “Corso di Laurea in Ingegneria Industriale e Navale” of the University of Trieste, Italy – Academic Year 2021/22 (40 hours)
09/2021 – 02/2022: Lecturer (appointed) of the Bachelor course “Applied Physics” at the Department of Medical, Surgical and Health Sciences, University of Trieste, Italy – Academic Year 2021/22 (20 h)
05/2016 – 06/2021: Lectures for the Master course “Statistical Physics” at the Department of Physics, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy (8 h)
06/2020: – 07/2020: Lecturer and tutor for the PhD course “Science Communication” at LENS, University of Florence, Italy (12 h)
09/2019: Lecturer at 2019 Summer School of the PhD program in Quantum Technologies of the University of Napoli, CNR and University of Camerino, Ischia, Italy (4 h)
06/2016: Assistant lecturer for the PhD course “LENS Lectures” at LENS, University of Florence, Italy (2 h)
09/2013 – 12/2013: Teaching assistant for the Master course “Seminar on modern Experiments in Quantum Optics” at the Faculty of Physics, LMU München, Germany (20 h) 04/2013 – 07/2013 Teaching assistant for the Master course “Quantum optics'' at the Faculty of Physics, LMU München, Germany (40 h)
11/2021 – Present: Supervisor of 2 PhD students at University of Trieste and CNR-INO, Trieste, Italy.
2017 – 2021: Advisor of 4 MSc thesis students at LENS and University of Florence, Italy: Eleonora Lippi, Riccardo Panza, Alessandro Muzi Falconi, Omar Abdel Karim.
2012 – 2015: Co-supervisor of 2 graduate students and 4 undergraduate students with projects > 3 months at LMU München, Germany: Philip Ketterer (MSc thesis), Christian Schweizer (MSc thesis), Martin Spiessl (BSc thesis), Maxim Tabachnyk (BSc thesis), Emily Davis (traineeship) and QinQin Yu (traineeship).
2016 – Present: Referee for Nature Physics, Physical Review Letters, Physical Review X, Physical Review Research, Physical Review A, Europhysics Letters, Optics Letters and Physics Letters A.
2019 – 2021: Co-investigator of the PRIN2017 project CEnTraL (CNR-INO unit).
2018 – 2021: Member of the QOMBS European Quantum Flaghsip consortium in the Quantum Gases team at CNR-INO.
2013 – 2015: Member of the UQUAM ERC Synergy project team as part of the Quantum Many Body Systems division led by Prof. Immanuel Bloch at MPQ.
Delivered 17 invited talks in international conferences and workshops. Delivered 10 contributed talks at international conferences and 13 invited seminars in universities and research institutes worldwide: Columbia Univ., Joint Quantum Institute, JILA Univ. of Colorado, Rice Univ., Univ. of Cambridge, ETH Zurich, MPQ, LMU Munich, Univ. of Hamburg, ICFO, ICTP, Univ. of Trento, Univ. of Salerno.
Selection of invited talks in the last 5 years:
1. Italian Quantum Information Science (IQIS 2022) conference, University of Palermo, Italy (14/09/2022).
2. Atomtronics 2022, Centro de Ciencias de Benasque, Spain (6/05/2022).
3. 2nd Adriatic Conference on Strongly Correlated Systems, ICTP Trieste, Italy (17/02/2022).
4. Workshop on quantum simulation in AMO physics and condensed matter, Cargèse, France (4/08/2021).
5. Young Researcher Workshop on Quantum Fluctuations in Ultracold Gases, online event (9/11/2020).
6. Atomtronics 2019, Centro de Ciencias de Benasque, Spain (9/05/2019).
7. Superfluctuations 2018 conference, S. Benedetto del Tronto, Italy (7/09/2018).
8. Quantum Gases and Quantum Coherence 2018, 669. WE-Heraeus Seminar, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany (16/04/2018).
9. Conference on Frontiers in Two-Dimensional Quantum Systems, ICTP Trieste, Italy (13/11/2017).
10. Workshop on Quantum Material Trends, Università Cattolica di Brescia, Italy (26/09/2017).
11. Conference on Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics, Prague, Czech Rep. (11/07/2017).
2022 – Present: FARE (Framework per l’attrazione e il rafforzamento delle eccellenze per la ricerca in Italia), project FastOrbit: “Exploring quantum coherence with fast nuclear qubits and orbbital manipulation in ytterbium atom arrays”. Duration: 5 years. Total funding: 272 k€.
2021 – Present: ERC Starting Grant (ERC-STG-2020) project OrbiDynaMIQs: “Two-orbital quantum many-body physics”. Duration: 5 years. Total funding: 1420 k€.
2016 – 2018: Marie Skodowska-Curie individual fellowship (MSCA-IEF-2015) project SCOUTFermi2D “Strongly correlated ultracold fermions in two-dimensional tailored optical potentials: pairing, superfluidity and disorder”. Duration: 2 years. Total funding: 168 k€.