Healthy breast surgery constitutes an important step to achieve symmetry in unilateral implant-based reconstructions. We analysed long-term results of breast symmetry obtained with reduction mammaplasties, and we evaluated whether different glandular pedicles may better preserve long-term stability.
Between 2006 and 2012, 90 patients underwent mastectomy and immediate reconstruction with tissue expanders and simultaneous contralateral reduction mammaplasty. In 30 patients, a superior nipple-areola pedicle was harvested (GROUP A), in another 30 patients a medial pedicle was performed (GROUP B), and an inferior pedicle was used in the remaining 30 women (GROUP C). An objective evaluation of the reconstructed breast and the reduced one was performed at 1 and 24 months after surgery. One-way ANOVA and Tukey's HSD tests were used for analysis. Furthermore, three independent plastic surgeons filled out a questionnaire to assess aesthetic results.
Measurements of the reconstructed breasts showed similar variations between 1- and 24-month evaluations within the three groups with no significant difference (P value >0.05). Measurements of the reduced breast at the 1- and 24-month follow-up (Tukey's test) revealed significant differences among the three groups. Patients from GROUP C showed a significantly higher decrease in Δ nipple-lower clavicle margin distance and Δ nipple-inframammary fold compared to GROUP A and B (P value = 0.01). Surgeons' assessments revealed no statistically significant difference between the three groups.
Superior or medial pedicle reduction mammaplasties seem to better preserve breast shape and position, and they maintain a more similar appearance to the contralateral prosthetic breast over time.
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