Razprava analizira pojem mimesis
v odnosu do abstrakcije pri Aristotelu
ter v Stari zavezi v odnosu do brezpredmetnosti.
Tako razločuje med abstrakcijo
in brezpredmetnostjo. Nadalje
se posveča brezpredmetnosti pri Maleviču
in Kosovelu ter ob primerjavi
njunih del v zvezi s premagovanjem
gravitacije, s preseganjem mimesis,
časa in logike, s časoprostorno mistiko
in belim človekom, s preseganjem
evklidskega prostora ter linearnega
časa, s prostorskostjo in arhitektonskostjo,
mikrokozmosom in makrokozmosom
dokazuje, da je Kosovel
dobro poznal dela Maleviča in ideje
Fjodorova ter v svojih konsih sintetiziral
suprematizem in konstruktivizem,
ter s svojo prostorsko poezijo
idejno-filozofsko zasnoval Tržaški
konstruktivistični ambient. The article analyzes the concept
of mimesis in relation to the abstraction
of Aristotle, and to the concept
of objectlessness in in the Old Testament.
Thus, it distinguishes between
abstraction and objectlessness. In addition,
this article discusses the work
of Malevich and Kosovel, compairing
their work in regard to the topics of the
overcoming of gravity, the overcoming
of mimesis, time and logic, the
time-space mysticism and white man,
the exceeding of euclidean space and
linear time, the spatiality and architectonics,
microcosm and macrocosm. The
article aims to prove that Kosovel knew
well the works of Malevich and the
ideas of Fyodorov, and that he synthesized
suprematism and constructivism
in his cons poetry, and, with his spatial
poetry, conceived the conceptual and
philosophical design of the Trieste
Constructivist Ambiance.