Nowadays, shipboard power distribution systems deal with a huge increase in power electronic devices. The study of the propagation of high frequency disturbances (caused by the converters operation) into a shipboard power system is not trivial, eventually leading to the need of a frequency-dependent models. In fact, the modern power converters inject high frequency disturbances into the system, reaching frequencies up to the MHz range. The common models, based on low frequency (or even DC) parameters can be unsuitable for the task, leading to the need of developing new modeling approaches. In literature, many papers highlight the problems arising from high frequency disturbances in single cables, but methodological approaches to the overall system modeling are not provided. Thus, the goal of this work is to present the state of the art about power cables modeling, discussing their applicability to the high frequency disturbances propagation determination. Moreover, the need of a frequency-dependent model is assessed, by means of a case study. In particular, it results that frequency-dependent parameters are to be taken into account for frequencies over 100kHz.