Interventi attuati da infermieri con ruoli manageriali nella pratica quotidiana per prevenire e minimizzare le Missed Nursing Care: risultati di uno studio qualitativo italiano [Effective interventions enacted by Nurse Managers in daily practice to prevent and/or minimize the missed nursing care: findings from an Italian qualitative study]
Missed Nursing Care is widely recognized as affecting patient safety and healthcare outcomes. Theoretical frameworks, antecedents and consequences have been extensively studied while interventions aimed at preventing the Missed Nursing Care remain little investigated to date. Nurse Managers and Nurse Directors play a main role in promoting interventions at the unit, hospital and at the policy levels. However, few evidences are available to date, thus limiting an evidence-based approach. The aim of this study was to emerge interventions used on a daily basis by Nurse Managers and Directors to prevent and/or minimize Missed Nursing Care.