We develop a systematic approach to compute the subsystem trace distances and
relative entropies for subsystem reduced density matrices associated to excited
states in different symmetry sectors of a 1+1 dimensional conformal field
theory having an internal U(1) symmetry. We provide analytic expressions for
the charged moments corresponding to the resolution of both relative entropies
and distances for general integer $n$. For the relative entropies, these
formulas are manageable and the analytic continuation to $n=1$ can be worked
out in most of the cases. Conversely, for the distances the corresponding
charged moments become soon untreatable as $n$ increases. A remarkable result
is that relative entropies and distances are the same for all symmetry sectors,
i.e. they satisfy entanglement equipartition, like the entropies. Moreover, we
exploit the OPE expansion of composite twist fields, to provide very general
results when the subsystem is much smaller than the total system. We focus on
the massless compact boson and our results are tested against exact numerical
calculations in the XX spin chain.