The vocabulary of the Hungarian Polonia Community is characterized
by a relatively small number of words borrowed directly from Hungarian
(ex.: bácsi uncle, mister, néni aunt, madam, lady etc.) and also by a large
number of so called “hidden Hungarianisms”: that is to say Hungarian
words, expressions, and word formations that are translated directly into
Polish. In the lexical system of the Hungarian Polonia Community it is
possible to distinguish two groups of “hidden Hungarianisms”:
1. Semantically borrowed words:
punktualny – exact, precise, Hung.: pontos, Pol.: dokładny: to
nie jest punktualna informacja;
2. Semantically borrowed word formations;
mieć prawde – to be right, Hung.. vkinek igaza van, Pol.: mieć
rację: mama, masz prawdę.
Thus the vocabulary system of the Hungarian Polish Community is
expanding through this process of borrowing Hungarian words and word
This characteristic distinguishes the language of the Hungarian Polonia
Community from the Polish language spoken in other Polonia
communities, where the influence of the host country's language
produces a large number of directly borrowed words.