Dietary therapy has a role in renal disease to control the symptoms and the metabolic consequences of renal dysfunction. Protein and phosphate intake modification may decrease the rate of kidney failure patients. Protein-energy malnutrition is a common clinical finding in kidney patients from a number of cause, including iatrogenic factors from inadequate diets. Malnutrition may with a negative bearing in morbidity, mortality, quality of life and costs and also in the rate of progression of renal disease The indices to evaluate may be influenced by renal failure and may therefore not be as reliable as in subjects with normal renal function. The nutritional status of the patient needs to be monitored to prevent or treat malnutrition and regular follow up procedure are relevant. Acute and chronic kidney disease require specific nutritional treatments according the stage or the severity of renal failure, associated clinical conditions and the need of renal replacement therapy. In chronic patients personalized modified diets are prescribed after a careful assessment of the nutrient requirements. The compliance may be low and patient need to be educated and adequately informed. In some patients special substrates may be required . Finally kidney transplant subjects require special dietary treatment according to the different clinical stages and the type of medical treatment required by patients.