Cognitive deficits in children with mathematical learning disabilities (Kognitivni primanjkljaji pri otrocih s specificnimi ucnimi tezavami pri matematiki).
Study of the origins of math difficulties has direct relevance in terms of social and educational repercussions, in addition to theoretical interest: a better understanding of the difficulties in math can in turn improve knowledge about the cognitive and emotional processes involved in arithmetic tasks. Furthermore, this knowledge can be applied in the development of appropriate compensatory programs for reducing the underlying causes of MLD. In one of our studies we attempted to find the cognitive and emotional strengths and weakness in children with mathematical learning disabilities. We compared a group of fourth-graders with MLD with a group of normal achievers, matched in age, school level and verbal Intelligence. The results showed that children with MLD had lower recall in working memory tasks comparing to children achieving at normal level. The working memory impairment of children with MLD was found to be related to inability to control and ignore irrelevant or no longer relevant information. Another weakness found in children with MLD was a lower speed of processing and higher level of math anxiety.