This work demonstrates that when inelastic
tunneling between oxide traps and semiconductor bands
is considered, the traps with energy aligned to the semiconductor
bandgap play a significant role in the frequency
dispersion of the capacitance–voltage (C–V) and
conductance–voltage(G–V ) characteristicsofmetal–oxide–
semiconductor (MOS) systems. The work also highlights
that a nonlocal model for tunneling into interface states is
mandatory to reproduce experimentswhen carrier quantization
in the inversion layer is accounted for. A model, including
these ingredients, is used to evaluate the energy and
depth distribution of oxide traps in a n-In0.53Ga0.47As/Al2O3
MOS system and is able to accurately fit the C–V frequency
dispersion from depletion to weak inversion. The oxide trap
distribution determined from theC–V response predicts the
corresponding G–V dispersion with frequency