This article presents the implementation of a participatory ergonomics (PE) approach in a multinational co mpany in the northern side of Italy, aiming to improve ergonomics, well-being and production outcomes. The methodology used is based on the creation of a multi-disciplinary team to provide and discuss ergonomics ’ solutions according to the physical problems of the workers involved and better manage the re-introduction of the workers in the line of production. The study consists of a longitudinal analysis before and after the plant redesign and the PE intervention. Some psychosocial variables as job satisfaction, perceived fatigue, pe rceived usefulness, repetitiveness, occupational safety and company attention to safety have been monitored to verify the impact of the PE intervention. The results show how the PE intervention positively in fl uences the perception of workers regarding the level of fatigue and repetitiveness and increasing job satisfaction, usefulness and occupational safety with a positive impact on productivity.