We analyze the supersymmetric contributions to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon (alpha (mu)) in the framework of pure and gaugino-assisted anomaly mediation models, and gaugino mediation models. In the last two models the gauge multiplets propagate in the higher-dimensional bulk, providing a natural mechanism for solving the problem of negative squared slepton masses present in the pure anomaly mediation models. In the light of the new BNL results for alpha (mu) we found that the pure and gaugino-assisted anomaly mediation models are almost excluded by the BNL constraints at 2 sigma level when combined with CLEO constraints on b --> s gamma at 90% of CL. In contrast, the gaugino mediation models provide extensive regions in the SUSY parameter space where both of these constraints are satisfied. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.