Presynaptic modulation of synaptic efficacy in the rat hippocampus
Saviane, Chiara
Modifications of synaptic efficacy play a crucial role in information processing in the
brain. In particular, they are thought to be very important for the refinement of neural
circuitry, information storage, learning and memory. Therefore, investigating the
mechanisms that modulate synaptic transmission is of fundamental importance for
understanding brain functions. In the present study, patch-clamp recordings were
performed in order to further investigate synaptic transmission in the hippocampus,
focusing on different presynaptic mechanisms that may affect synaptic efficacy.
In the last decade, silent synapses and their activation during postnatal development and
plasticity processes, such as LTP, have attracted particular attention. These synapses are
called silent because they do not respond at rest but are active at positive membrane
potentials and can be converted into functional synapses by pairing presynaptic
stimulation with postsynaptic depolarisation. A widely accepted interpretation is that Nmethyl-
D-aspartate (NMDA) but not a-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic
acid (AMP A) receptors are functionally expressed on the subsynaptic membrane. Thus,
wakening of silent synapses during LTP induction would be due to the activation of new
functional AMPA receptors. However, most of these studies have been done in the CAl
region of the hippocampus. Therefore, the first part of this study was focused on testing
whether a similar kind of connections is present also in the CA3 region during postnatal
development. Excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) were recorded from CA3
pyramidal neurones, following minimal stimulation (0.05 Hz) of Mossy fibres (MF)
inputs in acute hippocampal slices from new-born rats. Although 16% of synapses
appeared silent at 24 °C, AMP A receptors were found to be functionally expressed on
CA3 neurones. In fact, different tools known to increase the probability of release, such as
paired-pulse stimulation (50 ms interval) or increasing the temperature (from 24°C to
32°C), were able to activate silent synapses. Similar results were obtained at Schaffer
collateral (SC)-CA1 connections where 36% of synapses were found silent, but AMPAmediated
synaptic responses could be detected after increasing the probability of release
by paired-pulse stimulation, by raising the temperature or by the application of
cyclothiazide (CTZ), a drug known to block AMPA receptor desensitisation and to
increase transmitter release. Overall, these results show that, in both CA3 and CA 1 region
of the hippocampus, AMP A receptors are expressed and functional on the subsynaptic
membrane already at early stages of postnatal development. However, some synapses may appear silent because of a very low probability of glutamate release, as they can be
converted into functional ones by factors that enhance release probability. Although it
cannot be excluded that "latent AMP A receptors" can become functional following
activity dependent processes, these results clearly indicate that in the neonatal
hippocampus a proportion of glutamatergic synaptic connections are "presynaptically"
rather than "postsynaptically" silent. Moreover, conducting synapses could be switched
off by increasing the frequency of stimulation from 0.05 to 0.1-1 Hz, suggesting a critical
role for use-dependent modulation of synaptic efficacy.
To better investigate how activity can regulate synaptic efficacy, eventually leading to
synaptic depression and silencing, hippocampal organotypic slice cultures were used.
Taking advantage of the high connectivity between neurones, double-patch clamp
recordings between interconnected pairs of CA3 pyramidal cells were performed to study
the properties of sho1t-term depression occurring in these synapses under different
frequencies of presynaptic firing. In stationary conditions (0.05-0.067 Hz) pairs of
presynaptic action potentials (50 ms apart) evoked EPSCs whose amplitude fluctuated
from trial to trial with occasional response failures. Increasing stimulation frequency from
0.05-0.067 Hz to 0.1-1 Hz induced low-frequency depression (LFD) of EPSC amplitude
with a gradual increase in the failure rate, suggesting the involvement of presynaptic
mechanisms. Overall, 75% of cells became almost "silent" at 1 Hz, whereas recovery
from depression could be obtained by lowering the frequency of stimulation to 0.025 Hz.
Surprisingly, when the firing rate was sequentially shifted from 0.05 to 0.1 and 1 Hz,
changes in synaptic efficacy were so strong that the paired-pulse ratio (PPR) shifted from
paired-pulse facilitation (PPP) to paired-pulse depression (PPD). These results can be
explained by a model that takes into account two distinct release processes, one
dependent on the residual calcium and the other on the size of the readily releasable pool
(RRP) of vesicles. According to this model, the depletion of the RRP of vesicles accounts
for LFD and for the unexpected shift from PPF to PPD.
The possibility of switching between functional and non-functional synapses might play a
crucial role in controlling the communication between neurones as well as network
synchronisation. The CA3 hippocampal region is known to act as the pacemaker for the
generation of synchronised activity, mainly because of the dense network of collaterals of
axons interconnecting pyramidal neurones. This network is under control of both extrinsic
factors, such as neurotransmitters and neuromodulators, and active conductances. Thus, in the last part of the study, the role of a voltage-dependent, fast activating and slowly
inactivating potassium current similar to 10 in controlling temporal coding and synaptic
strength at CA3-CA3 connections was investigated. As 10 , this current is responsible for
the delayed appearance of the first spike upon prolonged membrane depolarisation and
for action potential repolarisation. Moreover, it could be blocked by low concentrations of
4-aminopyridine (4-AP), a drug known to generate interictal discharges that can
propagate from the CA3 region to the entire hippocampus. Interestingly, the 10 -like
current, was down-regulated by intracellular calcium, as demonstrated by the observation
that Cd++, a blocker of voltage-dependent calcium channels, significantly increased the
delay of the first spike generation. Suppressing lo by low concentration of 4-AP reduced
this delay and, by broadening the presynaptic action potential, increased synaptic
strength. Thus, it is likely that modulation of this current by fluctuations ·in resting
membrane potential or intracellular calcium concentration, for example during activitydependent
processes, may play a critical role in determining information coding and
network synchronisation in the CA3 region.
open access
Data di acquisizione
Apr 19, 2024
Apr 19, 2024