Passage might be exemplied by the infra- structure in a territory, and the presence of communication routes such as roads.
In this essay, the areas affected by the tragedy of the Vajont dam and the Cellina valley system are considered emblematic. The road taken into consideration, the SR251, can be viewed as a backbone that tangentially touches the villages along the sides, while recognizing a supra-regional infrastructure with two stations at the ends: Montereale Valcellina and Longarone. The SR251 unfurls through the valleys like a ribbon, and is a “monument to the road” where other infrastructures insinuate themselves into the mountain landscapes. It was not, however, designed with an eye to sustainability but to support industries and energy exploitation. Today, these places are lacking in social life and are undergoing a process of desertication
as a result of the post-Vajont dynamics.
In the 1960s, there was a sudden exodus towards urban areas where it was easier to nd work. The transition from the rural dimension, restricted by the availability of natural resources alone, has shifted towards a dimension in which water and its use in industry have led to the construction of infrastructure for the exploitation of resources, to development plans and, most recently, to the elaboration of possible new sustainability strategies that can overcome resilience and make it possible to experiment with new transformation models.