The study was carried out in lowlands of Friuli Venezia Giulia, North-eastern Italy. Bird species richness in 28 farm woodland was compared with the one in 26 control habitats, the latter being patches of semi-natural woods and shrubs within 1 kilometre. The analysis of landscape pattern was based on the land use of a 2 km buffer around the habitats, as landscape metrics we consider: at the patch level (farm woodland and control habitats) the patch area, patch perimeters, shape factor , at different spatial scales (500 m, 1000 m, 2000 m) the relative presence of land use classes. About landscape metrics the most important contributions to regression model are by vegetation complexity index, perimeter and presence of farm woodland in surrounding landscape. Important are also the presence of edges, woodland and arboreal cultivation but with a different weight at the different spatial scales.