Optimization Process of a Web-related Key Performance Indicator in an Insurance Company
If twenty years ago a managing marketing director had suggested to his company to aim towards greater visibility on the Internet’s search engines, at the expense of TV or radio campaigns, he would have probably been taken for mad.
Nowadays, instead, this has become, at the same time, a common practice for any company with a developing business on the online market, and a limitation for those corporations which do not aspire doing so and which do not essentially care.
The goal of this article will consist exactly in focusing on the impact that the greatest worldwide search engine, “Google”, in 2014 is able to have on a company which bases most of its business on the world wide web, such as “Genertel”.
Furthermore, the ultimate aim will be proposing either the analysis and the refinement of a key performance index regarding the relationship between Genertel and the search engine, in order to monitor its behavior and quantify its effects. The intentions is obtaining an overview of this perspective, based on a pragmatic methodology and approach in the management of huge amounts of data, giving them a precise meaning and extracting useful trends, that may also be supportive in company’s business choices.
The issue regarding big data and their analysis results to be more and more important for every modern company, being immersed dealing with a double face theme. On one side the chance to obtain enormous quantities of information and figures about each kind of flow, from money to customers, from working times to those regarding ERP systems and logistics, allows to reach a level of consciousness and knowledge about them never seen before. On the other side, however, such a huge amount of data must be treated with an equally great care, attention and cleverness, so as to avoid a wrong interpretation that can be potentially also counter-productive and misleading.
A good process to delete the risk of a bad management of big data can’t be created without the presence of the following two elements, that represents the starting point that are absolutely necessary in whatever best practice of this field. The primary element of great importance consists of the tools that are used in data acquisition, saving, monitoring and extracting. Any valuable analyst is able to obtain useful and decisive results thanks to reliable tools for data management that permit him to be confident about the credibility of the information he deals with. Moreover, a second key aspect is represented by the methodologies used for the management of data in order to outline final trends, indexes or consideration; each calculation method, to be judged in a positive way, must demonstrate to base on specific, engineered and reasonable milestones.
Two of the most important subjects that will be treated by this article will be exactly those of tools and methodologies used to analyze the impact described above, and will be also the key elements on which the final evaluation of the work could be done.
The themes that will be covered are certainly topical, and related to an industry, the Internet one, which is characterized by an incredible dynamism in a continuous evolution; furthermore, it is a field that, as already said, is born and developed only in recent times. The natural consequence of this scenario results to be an almost complete lack of traditional scripts on the matter and a low reference bibliography that, even when existing, appears to be in most cases not sufficiently updated or characterized by content of little value.
A huge repository of information on these issues, on the contrary, it is precisely the same the Internet; through the new digital channels such as websites, blogs, articles and many other tools typical of the online market, nowadays it is possible to find a huge amount of information on these topics. The problem, however, is related to the quality of all these contents: today anyone can appear as a writer or a journalist with a few clicks, without any filter or censorship on the content of his material: after all this is one of the many example of positive but also negative aspects related to the new age of web-based communication.
It’s also true that, with the experience of those who work every day on this sector, it is possible to recognize the sources of value than those of low quality, thus being able to create a set of reliable sources to take as reference to stay updated and obtain interesting information.
This thesis aims to adopt exactly this kind of approach, which leads to the composition of a bibliography which, although almost entirely made up of material available on the web, is completely based on great and worth content within the considered business.
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