In this paper we want to explore the prospects for a physics of information. In the first chapter we will summarise the present situation. Chapter 2 demonstrates the present limitations of information processing. Chapter 3 suggests, that these practical limitations might be traced back to limitations in the underlying theoretical concepts. Chapter 4 suggests a more physics oriented way of defining concepts like “program” or “complexity”. Chapter 5 explores, whether the concepts discussed in chapter 4 can be applied to the processing of physical messages, for instance video images. In a first step in chapter 5.1 we note a difference between messages in information theory and physical messages – physical messages can always be finite. In chapter 5.2 we note, that messages can be considered vectors and that already this very simple statement is leading to relevant practical consequences, leading to a new type of OTP cipher. Chapter 5.3 discusses some general mathematical properties of vector spaces and creates a connection between the mathematical concepts and the physical observables (measurement). In chapter 5.4 we try to gain first hints, of how the mathematical structure of the visible world might be used in order to calculate the description of an image to mathematical precision.