The intrinsically disordered protein α-synuclein aggregates into amyloid fibrils, a process known to be implicated in several neurodegenerative states. Partially folded forms of the protein are thought to trigger the aggregation process. Here, α-synuclein conformers are characterized by analysis of the charge-state distributions observed in electrospray-ionization mass spectrometry under negative-ion mode. It is found that, even at neutral pH, a small fraction of the molecular population is in a compact conformation. Several distinct partially folded forms are then identified under conditions that promote α-synuclein aggregation, such as solutions of simple and fluorinated alcohols. Specific intermediates accumulate at increasing concentrations of ethanol, hexafluoro-2-propanol, and trifluoroethanol. Finally, extensive folding induced by Cu(2+) binding is revealed by titrations in the presence of Cu(2+)-glycine. The data confirm the existence of a single, high-affinity binding site for Cu(2+). Because accumulation of this partially folded form correlates with enhancement of fibrillation kinetics, it is likely to represent an amyloidogenic intermediate in α-synuclein conformational transitions