Non-equilibrium fluctuations and dynamics in isolated quantum many-body systems
Perfetto, Gabriele
This Ph.D. thesis concerns a very active area of current research in theoretical physics, which is non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. More specifically, the focus will be on the study of the non-equilibrium dynamics and fluctuations in isolated many body systems driven out of equilibrium. We shall consider primarily quantum systems, albeit many of the theoretical techniques that will be used can be applied to both classical and quantum statistical systems. The novel contribution of this work is two-fold. First, we have developed new analytical techniques to study exactly the large-deviation statistics of physical quantities relevant for the description of systems driven out of equilibrium, like the work done in a quantum quench or the time-integrated current
characterizing transport of matter, energy or charge etc, discussed in Part I of the thesis. Second, we have singled out a class of experimentally relevant nondisordered quantum systems showing a dramatically slow approach to thermal equilibrium and we have provided quantitative predictions for this behavior, which is discussed in Part II.