In chapter 1 we introduce the general framework which we will adopt in order to
deal with b -> s l+l- transitions. We explain the concept of effective hamiltonian
presenting the SM operator basis on its possible extensions. After a short introduction
to the theory of CP violation in meson decays we describe all the relevant
observables that will be the object of our analysis. Chapter 2 is a technical introduction
to the inclusive and exclusive decays B -> (X8 , K, K*) l+l-. In chapter
3 we present a model independent analysis (based on Ref. [6]) of the previoulsy
described transitions focusing particularly on the CP asymmetries. In chapter 4 we
discuss the structure of the MSSM and present our analysis of the supersymmetric
contributions to the ·wilson coefficients (based on Ref. [7]). In chapter 5 we present
the analysis of the impact of supersymmetry on the relevant observables (based on
Refs. [7, 8]).