We present a new digital model ( EuCRUST-07) for the crust of Western and Central Europe and surroundings ( 35 degrees N - 71 degrees N, 25 degrees W - 35 degrees E). Available results of seismic reflection, refraction and receiver functions studies are assembled in an integrated model at a uniform grid ( 15 ' x 15 '). The model consists of three layers: sediments and two layers of the crystalline crust. Besides depth to the boundaries, we provide average P-wave velocities in the upper and lower parts of the crystalline crust. The new model demonstrates large differences in the Moho depth compared to previous compilations, over +/- 10 km in some specific areas ( e. g. the Baltic Shield). Furthermore, the velocity structure of the crust is much more heterogeneous than in previous maps. EuCRUST-07 offers a starting point for numerical modeling of deeper structures by allowing correction for crustal effects beforehand and to resolve trade-off with mantle heterogeneities.