Asymmetry in Agricultural Lanci Use in Italian Municipalities. The symmetry and asymmetry carry out a/undamental
e>.planatory role when one is studying art and science in a systemic way. This research is concerned with the asymmetry in
land use in agricultural areas. The land o/agricultural /irms is analysed throughout synthetical statistica l indexes. The
causes that bring to asymmetry are sought and, on the other hand, be/ore already known causes, an attempt to /ind a
verification in the asymmerty o/ the statistica l distribution is made. After organizing the census data in a rectangular
matrix 0/14 types o/land use o/the firms 0/8082 Italian municipalities, matrixes o/horizontal, vertical and pondered land
use coefficients to which synthetical indexes relative to asymmetry are applied, have been done. An anlysis is then carried
out on these indicators in order to highlight the importance or less o/the asymmetlY tout caurt and identi/y its causes o/land
destination to wheat, other cereals, horticulture, /odder, rotation crops, other sowables, vine, olive, citrus /ruit, /ruit, tree
and ornamental plants nursery, meadows, trees /or wood, woods and other areas.