First documentation of the Polygnathoides siluricus conodont Zone (Ludfordian) in South America (Argentina) and the stratigraphic significance of the younger species of Kockelella (Conodonta)
The coquinoid beds from the middle part of the Los Espejos Formation at the Poblete creek section (Talacasto Creek) yielded abundant conodonts. The genus Kockelella (Walliser) represents the most relevant biostratigraphical genus in this conodont fauna. The co‐occurrence of Kockelella maenniki Serpagli and Corradini, Kockelella variabilis ichnusae Serpagli and Corradini, K. variabilis Walliser, Kockelella ortus sardoa (Serpagli & Corradini), and Kockelella ortus absidata (Barrick & Klapper) allow us to record for the first time the Polygnathoides siluricus Zone in South America, which suggests the Ludfordian Stage (late Ludlow). We also propose an accurate correlation of the Los Espejos Formation with the lower Ludfordian deposits from the Carnic Alps, Sardinia, Morocco, Czech Republic, Gotland, and North America.