In the autumn of 1943 the Communist-led Resistance organization ELAS established a monopoly
on violence in the German-occupied part of Greek Macedonia. Its most important opponent,
the nationalist Resistance organization PAO, was dissolved. Former members of PAO and other
«reactionary elements» were persecuted and many of them were executed. But the victory of
ELAS against «reaction» was not permanent. From December 1943 – January 1944 on hundreds
of villagers took up arms for «protection» against ELAS. They created anti-Partisan units
and collaborated with the German military authorities and SD. ELAS and the Secret Police of
the Communist Party called OPLA practiced «Red Terror» against «traitors» and other «enemies
of the people». This paper will examine the relation between armed collaborationism
and the birth of «Red Terror» especially in the last phase of Occupation. The focus will be on
the motives and the structure of the collaborationist militia called EES (National Greek Army).
On the other hand it will also ask if «Red Terror» was organized centrally as an answer to the
anti-Communist action.