Densitometry alone has been shown to be inadequate to predict all osteoporotic fractures, since 40-50% occur in people who do not have a low bone density. The BESTEST®, Bone Elastic Structure Test, virtually simulates compressive loads on the trabecular architecture’s reconstructions obtained from digital radiographs of first proximal epiphyses of the non-dominant hand. The radiograms are acquired by a hand-held portable x-ray system equipped with a digital sensor. While in certain cases these systems present risks that are no greater than with standard systems, issues related to: (i) position of the handheld X-ray device relative to the operator, (ii) risk of misalignment of the X-ray units during exposure, (iii) patient protection and (iv) correct positioning of the sensor must still be addressed. A special stand and a customized sensor holder have been therefore designed, so that safety for patient and operator and repeatability of the exam have been improved.