A web application prototype has been developed, that enables scientists to compute a wide set of synthetic seismograms, dealing efficiently with the variety and complexity of the potential earthquake sources and of the medium travelled by the seismic waves. The computational engine of the web application is based on the neo-deterministic seismic hazard assessment (NDSHA) methodologies for the generation of synthetic seismograms. It allows for a rapid definition of seismic hazard scenarios for a given event, at local or regional scales. The user interface has been designed so to hide the intricacy of the underlying computational engine, yet it allows power users to act even on the deeper aspects of the model parameterisation. The web application is addressed to engineers, urbanists, administrators, insurance companies and stake-holders who are interested in reliable territorial planning and in the design and construction of buildings and infrastructures in seismic areas. It also constitutes a powerful educational tool for seismologists and seismic engineers willing to better understand the earthquake phenomenon, since quick parametric studies can be easily performed for determining the influence of each model element on the resulting ground shaking scenarios.