Using the fact that the neutrino mixing matrix
$U = U^\dagger_{e}U_{\nu}$, where $U_{e}$ and $U_{\nu}$
result from the diagonalisation of the charged lepton
and neutrino mass matrices, we consider a
number of
forms of $U_{\nu}$ associated with a variety
of discrete symmetries:
i) bimaximal (BM) and ii) tri-bimaximal (TBM) forms,
the forms corresponding iii) to the conservation of the
lepton charge $L' = L_e - L_\mu - L_{\tau}$ (LC),
iv) to golden ratio type A (GRA) mixing,
v) golden ratio type B (GRB) mixing,
and vi) to hexagonal (HG) mixing.
Employing the minimal form of $U_e$, in terms of angles and
phases it contains, that can provide the requisite
corrections to $U_{\nu}$ so that
reactor, atmospheric and solar neutrino mixing angles
$\theta_{13}$, $\theta_{23}$ and $\theta_{12}$
have values compatible with the current data,
including a possible sizable deviation of $\theta_{23}$
from $\pi/4$, we discuss the possibility to obtain
predictions for the CP violation phases
in the neutrino mixing matrix.
Considering the ``standard ordering''
of the the 12 and the 23 rotations
in $U_e$ and following the approach
developed in \cite{Marzocca:2013cr}
we derive predictions for the Dirac phase
$\delta$ and the rephasing invariant $J_{\rm CP}$
in the cases of GRA, GRB and HG forms of $U_{\nu}$
(results for the TBM and BM (LC) forms
were obtained in \cite{Marzocca:2013cr}).
We show also that under rather general conditions
within the scheme considered the values of
the Majorana phases in the PMNS matrix
can be predicted for each of the
forms of $U_{\nu}$ discussed. We give examples
of these predictions and of their implications
for neutrinoless double beta decay.
In the GRA, GRB and HG cases,
as in the TBM one, relatively large CP
violation effects in neutrino oscillations
are predicted ($|J_{CP}| \sim (0.031 - 0.034)$).
Distinguishing between the TBM,
BM (LC), GRA, GRB and HG forms of $U_{\nu}$ requires
a measurement of $\cos\delta$ or a
relatively high precision measurement of $J_{\rm CP}$.