We study radiative, symmetry breaking, h ht ('olemav,-
~,Veinb(,r(_,, in the /eometry of a .~tatic Einstein mfivcrsc. \Vc prove that
the syvmnetric gv'om,d state (oi~510 > - . r in a nouminimally coupled mass-
1,,s,~ ).r theory, can l)et'onw, u,,st al)lc at high curvature only if 0 "4 ~ )..;: 1.
As far as mas.sles~ scalar (~I".I) is ('oncerned, we find lhat pha.~c transitions
can already oc('m" at low cttrvature. These conchisions arc improvc(l
by nwans of r,*norm:diz:alion group tcwhniques.