The tracheotomy tube weaning in patients with severe acquired brain injury: Comparison of two operative procedures in a postacute rehabilitation hospital
BACKGROUND: despite the high frequency of tracheotomy in severe acquired brain injury (sabi) patients, available literature about the weaning procedure is mainly represented by expert opinions with no standardized and evidence-based criteria. aiM: the institute of physical and rehabilitation Medicine “Gervasutta” adopted a new decannulation procedure, recommended by the italian society of physical Medicine and rehabilitation (SIMFER). this study evaluates whether the new procedure helps to improve the decannulation process of sabi patients. DESIGN: a prospective observational with historical control was performed by dividing sabi patients into two groups depending on whether they were treated with or without the new procedure. sEttiNG: the department of Neurorehabilitation of the institute of physical and rehabilitation Medicine “Gervasutta” in udine, Italy. populatioN: sabi patients with tracheal cannula admitted to the institute of physical and rehabilitation Medicine “Gervasutta” from January 2015 to March 2019. MEthods: clinical data were collected as both process and outcome indicators before and after the adoption of the new procedure. data have been processed with simple interactive statistical analysis (sisa; irving, tX, usa) software. rEsults: a sample of 141 patients was analysed. among the 141 patients, 57 (40.4%) were treated with the new procedure. No differences were found between the two groups in terms of complications, functional independence measure (fiM), or level of cognitive functioning (lcf) at the admission. When the new procedure was applied, the decannulation rate was significantly higher (OR=1.8; 95% CI=1.2-9.8; P=0.01) and the time (days) between admission and oral feeding resumption was significantly lower (P<0.001; 95% CI=-10, -34 days). coNclusioNs: the introduction of the new protocol allowed the safe achievement of both oral feeding resumption and decannulation, which are two of the main early rehabilitation goals. CLINICAL REHABILITATION IMPACT: The standardization of the decannulation process has determined the achievement of a significantly faster oral feeding resumption and an increase in the decannulation rate during the rehabilitation of sabi patients.