Bladder exstrophy-epispadias complex (BEEC) represents
a spectrum of genitourinary malformations concerning
male and female sexes. It needs different surgical
operations to obtain, primarily, secure abdominal wall
closure, achieving urinary continence with preservation
of renal function, and, finally, adequate cosmetic and
functional genital reconstruction. The psychological feature
and the sexual aspects of this pathology have important
effects on the patient’s and their family’s past. So,
the multidisciplinary approach, which involves psychologist
and surgeon upfront, permits: to completely answer
patients’ and relatives’ questions, to give emotional and
sexual education, emphasizing the expression and the
verbalization of the emotions, and to give people concerned
useful tools to face the BEEC in a more conscious
way. By treating the pathology in a multidimensional
way, it is possible to accompany the patients and their
families along the developmental steps, optimizing therapeutic
intervention benefits.