The text exposes the Levinasian narrative on the theme of subjectivity, which gains meaning ex-clusively from the relationship with the face and its otherness. The exposure proposed by Levinas invites us to think on the closeness of the neighbor, that is, on the arrival in us of the idea of the infinite that overflows the simple thinking or thinking alone. The neighbor is not only someone who stands before me, face to face, but each and every other is a neighbor. The third one ties the seam offered by Levinas to his ethical plot, which evokes a "responsibility for everything and for everyone”. At the same time, it ties a knot to the moral relationship, because it is necessary to compare the incomparable, to say who comes first or who has priority. This text intends to outline some traces of the plot of subjectivity that involves the other, the third and, consequently, justice, indicating that ethics is always an "intrigue of three".