The Friuli Venezia Giulia region as a “Territorial platform” is a metaphor not only to represent a simple “Logistic Platform” - integrating the different logistic components in order to get a more efficient system of organizing and distributing the freight flows -, but also to generate a new territorial economic base and a space order directly and indirectly linked with the main transport and logistic supply chain. This perspective, to be effective, requires that public policies and spatial planning deploy these supply chains in the real physical territory also as a precondition for attracting private investments in the infrastructure realization and efficient operators in transport services management. These may be attracted only if public decision and regulation will be able to assure a stable policy framework and certain and reliable implementation times and rules. Regional spatial planning instruments can play an important role in promoting greater political consensus about spatial strategies and in stabilizing land use regulations. In particular, the new Piano di Governo del Territorio, approved in by the FVG Region in 2013, should be strongly addressed toward the pursuing of this objectives.