The published texts have been presented by the participants to the II World Youth Forum "Right to Dialogue" that took place in Trieste from October 2nd to the 4th 2009 on the topic "What future?" (in view is the establishnebt of an International Study Centre for the youth Culture at the University of Trieste).
participants were left completely free to address the proposed topic according to the rythm of their inner need and according to the point of view of their most lively experience (human, personal, subjects studied or read). it is thus even more significant that some keywords recur and the themes almost run after one enother among the texts. Remarkable is the reflaction of building of personal choices and identities, connected to the theme of the "journeys" and of "comebacks" as places of "inter-culture" that interwine personal and historical times; significant it is also the elaboration, within this space, of the direct experiences and of the complex knowlege related to historical ages and epochal passages (tradition, modernity, post modernity)
Introduction by Gabriella Valera
Antigones and the Word, by Rodolfo Toè
Which Future, by Lorenzo Botter
Between the Past and the Future: the 'dividuum' in the Western Society
What is left of Solidarity/ and Solidarity for the Future by Grsegorz Levicki/ Dominil Skorupa (Polonia)
The Art of Life by Slobodan NIkolic (Serbia)
Mapping the unknown by Maja Klaric (Croazia)
Briths POlitical Correctness: the Future for Freedom of Speech, by Claire James (UK)
Future Guidelines of POlitical Honesty by Nino Kovacic (Croazia)
Dialogue and Voices by Anastasia Vekshina (Russia)
About Unity/Mankind/about Writing by Tibor Weiner Sennyey (Ungheria)
Crazy? Maybe, but they are waiting for tomorrow! by Hussam Abed Alsaray (Iraq)
Building Peace: a Foundation to a conflict-free Society, by Blessing Fubara Onyieychi (Nigeria)
Travelling along with Literature from the Past to the Future, by Irma Bilali (Albania)
To come back, the infinitive of the Verb To go, by MIchela Monferrini
Imagination of Future or just Boundaries, Borders or Boxes? by Sabrina Mandanici (Germania)
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