Linee guida: aspetti giuridici e medico legali nella valutazione della colpa professionale in ambito sanitario [Clinical practice guidelines: Juridical and medico legal issues in health care malpractice liability]
Clinical practice guidelines: juridical and medico
legal issues in health care malpractice liability. Clinical Practice
Guidelines are clinical tools addressed to medical and
health professionals and are normally employed to improve
quality and safety of diagnostic and therapeutical procedures
but may sometimes limit the autonomy of medical
and other health care professionals. The adherence to Clinical
Practice Guidelines should not be an exclusive step to
evaluate the liability and respect of standards of care in case
of medico-legal investigations being each clinical case
very specific. Medical liability and respect of standards of
care should be evaluated with the support of Clinical Practice
Guidelines and the extensive examination of all specific
features, professional background and experience requested
to treat each single patient