La ricerca si occupa del Circolo Garibaldi di Trieste, associazione irredentista di stampo massonico sviluppatasi in Italia, a Trieste e in alcuni centri del Litorale adriatico tra Ottocento e Novecento. La puntuale analisi biografica dei soci e lo studio dei loro rapporti con società democratiche, leghe lavorative, comitati di reduci, circoli anti-clericali e logge massoniche, offrono insieme una mappatura esauriente dell'irredentismo sul territorio della penisola sinora assente nel panorama storiografico. This thesis constitutes an in-depth survey of the history and activities of the Circolo Garibaldi di Trieste, an irredentist association strictly connected to freemasonry, which was born in Trieste and spread across Italy between the end of the Nineteenth and the Twentieth century. The research takes into account members' biographies as well as their relationships with lodges and patriotic associations of various kinds.
Furthermore, the research maps for the first time the Italian irredentist movement on the whole, offering an original contribution to the study of contemporary Italian history.