Recent experiments indicate that the reactivity of metal surfaces changes profoundly when they are covered with two-dimensional (2D) materials. Nickel, the widespread catalyst choice for graphene (G) growth, exhibits complex surface restructuring even after the G sheet is fully grown. In particular, due to excess carbon segregation from bulk nickel to surface upon cooling, a nickel carbide (Ni2C) phase is detected under rotated graphene (RG) but not under epitaxial graphene (EG). Motivated by this experimental evidence, we construct different G/Ni(111) interface models accounting for the two types of G domains. Then, by applying density functional theory, we illuminate the microscopic mechanisms governing the structural changes of nickel surface induced by carbon segregation. A high concentration of subsurface carbon reduces the structural stability of Ni(111) surface and gives rise to the formation of thermodynamically advantageous Ni2C monolayer. We show the restructuring of the nickel surface under RG cover and reveal the essential role of G rotation in enabling high density of favorable C binding sites in the Ni(111) subsurface. As opposed to RG, the EG cover locks the majority of favorable C binding sites preventing the build-up of subsurface carbon density to a phase transition threshold. Therefore we confirm that the conversion of C-rich Ni surface to Ni2C takes place exclusively under RG cover, in line with the strong experimental evidence.