Pavel Peperštejn je slikar, pisac, teoretičar
umetnosti i pripadnik mladje
generacije moskovskih konceptualnih
umetnika. U ovom radu razmatramo
uticaj Maljevičevog suprematizma
na Peperštejna, koji stvara poseban
stil „nacsuprematizam“. Koristeći
suprematističku stilistiku, Peperštejn
je idejno preosmišljava i koristi pri
izradi utopističkog projekta „Grad
Rusija“, koji bi po ideji autora trebalo
da predstavlja novu prestonicu izmedju
Moskve i Sankt Peterburga. U radu
se takodje analiziraju sličnosti i razlike
dvaju umetnika kao i nova simbolika
Crnog kvadrata, jednog od najzastupljenijih
motiva u Peperštejnovim
radovima. This article examines the influence
of Kazimir Malevich on Moscow conceptual
artist Pavel Pepperstein and his
work: paintings, performances and literary
prose. Suprematism was chosen
by Pavel Pepperstein as a ground base
for a new, representative “Russian”
style, named “natsuprematism” (“national
suprematism”). We are focusing
on Pepperstein’s utopian project The
City of Russia (2007), where artist
proposes to construct a new futuristic
capital between Moscow and St. Petersburg
using Malevich’s Suprematism
as visual identity: basic geometric
forms painted in a limited range
of colours on white background. For
example, the form Black Square in Pepperstein’s
artwork is ironically presented
as an object and symbol of religion,
economy and political power.