Dictionnaire Robespierre. Lexicométrie et usages langagiers. Outils pour une histoire du lexique de l’Incorruptible.Tome I.
Marin Marco
Gon Elisabetta
The Dictionnaire Robespierre starts from the query of the corpus Robespierre by the linguistics techniques, implemented at the Department of Liberal Arts Studies of the University of Trieste, within a research lab that deals with the lexicon of the French Revolution. The digitalized corpus of revolutionary texts made up at the Department of Liberal Arts Studies of the University of Trieste is composed of more than 7.000.000 tokens. The corpus of Robespierre contains 1.732.789 tokens and includes the eleven volumes of the Oeuvres published so far and other Robespierre’s written works, which should be included in the twelfth volume, which is now being created. This first tome of the Dictionnaire Robespierre is a work tool that is made available to the scientific community, with the prospect of the creation of a digital database of the sources of the French Revolution, open to everybody and that can be consulted by adequate linguistic software. The Dictionnaire offers the concurrences and lexicometric evidences of some keywords of Robespierre’s lexicon. The words chosen in the first tome have always been at the centre of the historiographic consideration on Robespierre and the French Revolution: «bonheur», «démocratie», «dictature», «droits de l’homme», «ennemi(s) du peuple», «individu(s)», «personne(s)», «sans-culotte(s)», «terreur». Each of these words refers to historiographic debates that experts in French Revolution have no difficulty in understanding and placing in their respective bibliographic coordinates. As for instance the composed and complex words with base “droit(s)” and “liberté”. Other words refer to more specific or more recently appeared questions. So, for instance, “économie” and “tax*” refer to debates on the “économie politique populaire”; “hors de la loi” to the discussion on the centrality of the decree of March 19, 1793, already highlighted by Donald Greer in 1935, but just recently renowned; “vengeance(s)”, “venger”, and the string “veng*” to Arno Mayer’s suggestions; “droit(s) naturel(s)”, “loi(s) naturelle(s)”, “loi(s)de la nature”, “nature humaine” to the debates on republicanism; “bon sens”, “sens commun” to Sophia A. Rosenfeld’s solicitations; “éphore(s)”, “éphorat” to Raymonde Monnier’s works; “amitié” to Marisa Linton’s works on the virtue in politics and on the Terror; “feminine”, “liberté des femmes”, “masculine”, “maternel(l)(e)(s)”, “paternel(l)(e)(s)” to the gender interpretation of the French Revolution. Also the concurrences of the co-occurrences refer to the historiographic debates on Robespierre and on the French Revolution. The concurrences of the co-occurrences with base “république”, “révolution”, “vertu(s)” impact on fundamental concepts of Robespierre’s political thought. The concurrences of the co-occurrences with base “femme” refer to the gender interpretation of the French Revolution. The concurrences of the co-occurrences “droit(s)” – “existence(s)”, “droit(s)” – “subsistance(s)” refer to the debate on the “économie politique populaire”. The concurrences of the co-occurrences with base “jacobins“ refer to the discussion brought up by the use of « Jacobins» in Marisa Linton’s recent work on the Terror. Nuages des cooccurrences, spécificités des lexies choisies e distributions des lexies pour segments temporels help the readers orient themselves in the semantic fields of the words used by Robespierre. Listes, graphiques, cartes des noms de personne et de lieux highlight the cultural coordinates of the Robespierre’s thought. The linguistic material presented in the volume is preceded by a general Introduction and by a Methodological introduction, that clarifies the characteristics of the corpus, the used linguistic software and the technicalities relevant to the linguistics of the corpora. Finally, some thematic chapters – in the light of the lexicographic and lexicometric evidences highlighted in the Dictionnaire – deal with important aspects of Robespierre’s political thought and problems of attribution and contextualization of the Robespierre’s texts.
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