In the framework of the EU-funded project Multi-disciplinary monitoring, modelling and forecasting of volcanic hazard (MULTIMO), multiparametric data have been recorded at the MULTIMO station in Montserrat. Moreover, several other long time series, recorded at Montserrat and at other volcanoes, have been acquired in order to test stochastic and deterministic methodologies under development.
A need for a consistent way of browsing such a etherogeneous dataset in a user-friendly way therefore arised. Additionally, a framework for applying the calculation of the developed dynamical parameters on the data series was also needed in order to easily keep these parameters under control, e.g. for monitoring, research or forecasting purposes.
The solution which we present in this work is completely based on Open Source software, including Linux operating system, MySql database managemenet system, Apache web server, Zope application server, Scilab math engine.
From the user point of view the main advantage is the possibility of browsing through datasets recorded on different volcanoes, with different instruments, with different sampling frequencies, stored in different formats, all via a consistent, user- friendly interface that transparently runs queries to the database, gets the data from the main storage units, generates the graphs and produces dynamically generated web pages to interact with the user.