The computation of end coil leakage inductances of electric machines is a challenging task due to the complicated leakage flux 3D distribution in the winding overhang region. In this paper the problem is addressed of computing the field circuit leakage inductance of round-rotor synchronous machines. The proposed method is fully analytical and descends from the symbolical solution of Neumann integrals applied to the computation of self and mutual inductances combined with the method of mirror images to account for core effects. With respect to existing analytical approaches, the methodology requires neither numerical integral solutions nor discretizing the end-coil geometry into small straight elements. The accuracy of the proposed technique for computing the mutual inductance between two single end turns is assessed against measurements on a dedicated experimental set-up. The extension of the method to the
computation of the entire field-circuit end-coil leakage inductance is assessed by comparison with 3D finite element analysis (FEA).