The paper presents the results of a laboratory study, conducted at the University of Padova Road Research Laboratory, aimed at verifying the possibility to use a particular typologies of electric arc furnace (EAF) steel slag, in substitution of the natural aggregates, in the composition of high performance bituminous conglomerates (Stone Mastic Asphalt, wearing course and binder course asphalt concretes) for road flexible pavements, characterized by a steel slag content above the 89% in mass.
The experimental trial has been articulated in a preliminary study of the physical-geotechnical properties of the EAF steel slag and in the following mix design of the bituminous mixes, on the basis of the Marshall procedure. The performance of the asphalt concretes, in terms of stiffness and moisture susceptibility, have been investigated, through dynamic modulus tests at various frequencies and indirect tensile strength tests, for both dry and wet conditions.
All the three different typologies of bituminous mixtures have completely satisfied the requisites for acceptance in the road sector technical standards (Marshall Stability and Quotient up to 1530 MPa and 462 daN/mm respectively, depending on the mix) thus resulting as suitable for use in the construction of road infrastructures.