National survey on excellence centers and reference centers for hypertension diagnosis and treatment: Geographical distribution, medical facilities and diagnostic opportunities
Introduction Blood pressure (BP) control is poorly
achieved in Western Countries, including Italy. Several
interventions have been proposed at national and local
level to improve BP control rate.
Aim This survey of the Italian Society of Hypertension
(SIIA) is aimed at analysing the number and the distribution
of reference centers and excellence centers for the
diagnosis and treatment of arterial hypertension (hypertension
centers) in Italy.
Methods In October 2011, a specifically designed survey
questionnaire was developed by SIIA National Committee,
both to evaluate geographical distribution of the reference
hypertensive population and to assess general requirements
(days of activity, number of active physicians, medical
facilities, diagnostic opportunities, use of electronic support),
deemed necessary to identify an outpatient clinic as
hypertension center in Italy. This questionnaire was locally
distributed by regional coordinators of the Society and all
collected data were centrally analysed by two independent
study coordinators.
Results From October 2011 to September 2012, 89 centers
with clinical expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of
hypertension provided data on their own activity. Among
these, 45 (50.5 %) centers are located in the North, 20
(22.5 %) in the Center and 24 (27.0 %) in the South of
Italy. Approximately 50 % of the hypertensive outpatients
who are referred from general practitioners to hypertension
centers are living in the province and about one third in the
region. More than half of the centers is active for 3–5 days
per week, and approximately 40 % of the centers have 3–5
active physicians. Beyond outpatient visits for hypertension,
these centers are able to organize day hospital (25 %),
day service (29 %), or hospital admission (29 %) for advanced diagnostic evaluation or therapeutic interventions.
All centers collect data from clinic and 24-hour
ambulatory BP measurements, and almost all (95 %) centers
are able to perform a standard 12-lead electrocardiogram.
In addition, the majority of the centers are able to
perform advanced diagnostic examinations, including
echocardiography (74 %) or carotid Doppler ultrasound
(71 %) analysis. Finally, 78 % of the centers use an electronic
case report form, specifically designed for the clinical
management of hypertensive patients.
Conclusions Although with some limitations related to
the study methodology applied for data collection, the
survey illustrates a quite unbalanced distribution of the
hypertension centers, the majority of which are located in
the North of Italy, with a medium-high standard of quality
of care. This analysis may provide useful elements for a
rational and effective use of existing resources, in order to
improve BP control in our Country.
closed access
Excellence centers fo...
Hypertension centers
Hypertension units
Reference centers for...
Ambulatory Care Facil...
Antihypertensive Agen...
Blood Pressure Monito...
Data Collection
Echocardiography, Dop...
Faculty, Medical
General Practitioners...
Surveys and Questionn...
Cardiology and Cardio...
Internal Medicine
Medicine (all)
Scopus© citazioni
Data di acquisizione
Jun 2, 2022
Jun 2, 2022